Official Massenomics Hall of Fame
Thank you for continuing to support us on this never-ending journey that is the Massenomics Podcast. We wouldn’t be able to continue with all our silly goose shenanigans if it wasn’t for you.
Let us honor and recognize the following high achieving individuals:
16 Achievements (Master Completer)
Tim Scantlebury (Scants) @Scants1
The first supporting member to complete all 16 achievements on the HOF card!
16 Achievements (2nd ever to Master Completer)
Matthias Cash @c.pap.pi
Highest Cru DOTS score AND jacket level Hall-of-Famer!
15 Achievements
Scott Dodds @scottdodds_doddzilla
The FIRST supporting member and FIRST to hit the top level HOF status!
15 Achievements
Jen Veenstra @getstrongjen24
The first female to make it to 15 and receive her jacket!
12 Achievements
Chris Damminger @beerbelly_lifts
Matt Fleming @mostlysquatvideos
Jen Veenstra @getstrongjen24
Keith Honeycutt @keithhoneycutt73
Joey Mleczko @joey_mleczko
Tim Scantlebury (mole) @Scants1
Stephen Rose @waffleirongym
Greyson Phillips @fillups22
Scott Dodds @scottdodds_doddzilla
Jake Herber @midwestern_jake from statefarm
Posthumously, Matt Harris @hatttmarris
Eddie Woodard (mole) @cornfedhighlander
Jake Heidenreich @jake_heid
Jeff McDermott @dollarsanddeadlifts
Sam Funderburk @thundergod.42
Kolten Goodchild @kgoody66
Matthias Cash @c.pap.pi
Lou Nutter @lounutter
Grant Broggi @gbroggi
Kevin Rahill @kevin_rsg_18
Bryce Wollmann @thebigandsxy74
Paul Foss @paulfossrn
Nate Moe @moestrength50
Ryan Johnson @jacked_and_ginger
Ryan Erickson @angrym0nkie
Christina Murphy @observemyexpansion
Brad Deters @brad_deters
Andrew Garrison @clawtron
Cody Hoffman @cody_the_strongest_birdwatcher
Emeterio Reyes @emetruizreyes
Ben Beyl @benbeyl
Aaron Fernandez @thatmofoguy
Toby Speas @toby_wan_knbi
Tommy Schneider @tommy_schneider22
Jim Riley @_jim_riley_
Justin Laux (Mini) @miniactionjesus
David Mills (British) @mills.85
Daniel Tarnasky @coach8123
Antony Martinez @antony.martinez14
Tyler Thompson @tylerthompson1991
Matthew Sesnie @msesnie
Thomas Swartout @swartz_sportz
Matthew Sundling @matthew.sundling.cpt
Steve Huk @huksteve
How it Works
Meet the criteria on your Achievement Card and mark the items as you complete them. When you have completed 12, 15 and 16 achievements, send us an email at or DM on IG @massenomics with the photo of your completed items for us to verify.
The Prizes
12 Achievements - redeem a Massenomics Hall of Fame Silipint and have your name/IG handle listed on the Official Hall of Fame
15 Achievements - Only the few and proud will make it here. Personalized HOF jacket awarded at this level. You also now have the option to add a photo along with a short message to your entry in the Hall of Fame site.
16 Achievements - move your name to the top of the Hall of Fame list and earn the title of “Master Completer”