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Listeners love the Massenomics podcast

380+ episodes and counting!

5 star rating

This podcast is like a McDonald’s apple pie, you don't know it exists but once you get it inside of you, it leaves you wanting more. Great podcast,I learn so much about nothing.


5 star rating

Would love to give these 2 guys 6 stars because they are the best lifting podcast about nothing; however, they refuse to add timestamps so they will have to settle for this 5 star review.

BigJohn's favorite athlete HL

5 star rating

There's nothing like starting the day off with a fresh Massenomics podcast. The guests are always awesome and I really enjoy over/under.

Lindy Rold

5 star rating

I like podcasts. I like this podcast. I like other podcasts too. This is a good podcast that I like. Podcasts. I was on a podcast once. Not this podcast, but a different podcast. But I still like this podcast.




Massenomics provides informative and entertaining content related to weight training, nutrition, and the fitness lifestyle. Our expanding line of apparel is designed to turn heads both inside and outside the gym walls. Owning our own gym affords us the opportunity to practice everything that we preach, so you can rest assured that we aren't completely full of shit.

Did we mention we really like to lift heavy weights? And remember - Lift Hard. Live Easy.


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